Bleach New Era

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A full scale Bleach Rp.

    Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end?

    Arinori Oichi
    Arinori Oichi

    Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end? Empty Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end?

    Post by Arinori Oichi Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:32 am

    Dark, Dank, empty. A singular pitch black room had been suddenly assaulted by the sound of rattling chains. A being was secured tightly to a chair which held his person tightly to it. Its power waned greatly as the being attempted to get free of its restraints. It was almost as if the devil himself was powering the entity as it rattled the chains once more but to no avail. Giving this up, the being would remain still as it breathed a seething rage built up with in its body like a demon's voice piercing through the dark night in a subtle room filled with flowers and joy. What an abomination this being was. It was a freak of nature and a demon of an old age lost in the depths of the nest. This being sat there secured to a chair which ate away at its spiritual power like a leech. Locked into the depths of its own mind there was nothing it could do. The being was so heavily latched down that it couldn't even speak. 'How long has it been since I've been asleep?' Its mind wondered as it sat there. It felt strained to move or even to think. 'Ah, the comforting noise of rattling chains. It lets me know I'm still alive. I can feel you. You hold an untold power with in you.' Its mind began to ponder an idea as it felt a Reiatsu however feint it was still felt by this demonic entity.

    'So the time is upon me finally. Then so be it. Time will be my ally once more it seems.' Its mind had thought before allowing itself to drift back into a slumber. What was it that this beast thought of during it's slumber? No one knew the answer to that. However an important fact has yet to be revealed. This deep hole in the underground of a deep cavern, below a deep creation of Seki-Seki stone was what this being called home. Yes, it was locked away deep in the bowels of the Maggots nest. So far in fact, it was practically the ground. The only thing below this was the chamber no one talked about. A place where something beyond a mere mortal could be kept. It was a cavern the size of an entire city. All to house what ever may need to be in there. However, this being was not powerful enough to be placed deep in the cavern below itself. Instead, it was locked away in a mere living creature's cell as it were.

    Locked away to the depths of the Nest for crimes it had yet to commit. It had no intention of committing any crime, except killing THAT thing. But it was locked away either way. Allowed to live its days out in confinement to a place of which none would ever know nor see. It had been several hundred years before it had seen the light of day let alone the light of another being's spiritual power. It could faintly see shimmers of beings so very far away that it was barely visible. No, it was much more like watching ghosts flutter about the room, mindless and oblivious to the area around it. Could it ever be allowed to leave? No, it was doubtful at best. Something, or someone, with the right thought process would have to allow this thing upon the world. What being would allow such a vile creature open into the world where it could kill or worse. No, it was highly recommended to keep it locked away deep in the depths of ancient memory no longer used.

    A small creek echoed through the area as a chain's posture shifted. Such a sound for a being unable to see nor talk. It was like an amusing subtle play of sounds, movements, and thoughts which permeated the being's mind. It made light of the situation give to it, even if it was unfairly judged a threat to the Soul Society. A random burst of Reiatsu escaped the chair's grasp sending a black flame like mass of Reiatsu to whip at the bars of the room before it dissipated into nothingness having been absorbed by the Seki-Seki stone. The demon bellowed lightly as it shifted its weight slightly for a more comfortable sitting position. It now laid in wait, while scanning its surroundings for anything that's been changed or unchanged.

    Deep in the beast's mind a mellow thought came to mind. What if it had gone differently. Things would be so much better off perhaps. However, it'd never know just how different it'd be. For now it was left to sit there and wallow in it's own Reiatsu filth as it were. Tied to a chair which it couldn't get out of. Suddenly the rage built deep with in it's body as it began to seethe with anger. The chains began to rattle violently as it produced enough Reiatsu in a single burst to cause a massive amount of disturbance. But of course, the Seki-Seki stone absorbed it almost instantly before the chains calmed down. As the room settled it felt marginally weaker. It'd have to be careful if it wanted to stay alive. Allow its body to rest, the entity would begin to think about itself and what it had accomplished, what it could have accomplished, and what had been done to it. For now, it had only time which in wives tales only breeds the devil's handy work.

    Several hundred stories above the beast were living the criminally insane or the ones with little threat to the Soul Society but still a threat none the less. The muddled about their business with out the knowledge that a beast dwell with in. Perhaps it was for the best as these beings were less than mentally stable. Some of them might try to attack the beast just to get some extra food or worse, to get dominance over the rest by destroying the most dangerous being there. Even locked away as it was the beast was an influential being. It's very presence caused those who knew what it was to hesitate. Perhaps now was not the time to discuss finer points of insanity however. For now, it laid to rest simply watching the ghosts muddle through their own lives far from its own.

    The beast bellowed once more as it allowed itself to see it's surroundings. The long awaited beast had seen that its surroundings had been unchanged. 'What a pity.' Its mind followed suit as the thoughts radiated to new inventions to be had. The beast was intelligent with gigantic knowledge bases of all sorts of things. Because of this, it would focus solely now on different things to create. It's first thought was to recreate ancient technology to be something more modern. 'If I ever emerge from my long slumber, perhaps I will focus on advancements in a field more suited to my abilities. Ah yes, I'll experiment with my Zanpaktou. Perhaps I'll even experiment with suppression techniques. Kido is quite a tasteful thing to play with as well. Who knows, I may even come up with a device that allows cloning of a Zanpaktou. Heh, that'd be the most interesting invention ever. How could I go about that?' It's mind started to pursue an interesting idea of cloning. With that, its mind started to create the most interesting and intricate device which would allow it to copy another being's Zanpaktou adding it to it's own. That would be interesting indeed.

    The beast shifted in it's seat as it attempted to stand up. It hadn't done that in at least a hundred years. Stand up that is. As it attempted to stand the chains pulled tightly upon the being's wrists, ankles, and neck causing it to slam back into the chair. Every breathe it took caused a small spark of Reiatsu on exhale. It was becoming weaker by the seals placed upon the chair and itself. It hated this imprisonment. It was furious at this being locked up like some sort of lost pet inside of a kennel. Using it's throat, it bellowed outwards in a glottal roar which would cause the silent still darkness to rumble gently at the vibrations.

    The entity would shift and adjust itself as time ticked forward. It was a lost cause to move. And so, it began to watch the shimmering ghosts. They moved gently across the ceiling as if dancing for the amusement of the demon. Every movement was a small play telling a story of sorrow and despair from the eyes of the beast. It closed it's right eye and simply watched the ghosts for perhaps an eternity. Left and right the ghost tossed itself around as if a rag doll. The demon wasn't able to see any Reiatsu interacting with it. It was sad to say the least. The only source of entertainment was in fact the demon's own visual acuity. Seeing several other ghosts doing something which could only be described as fighting the beast would face that direction.

    Two people began a fist fight as several joined in with each other. It appeared that a mob of beings were now fighting each other. Perhaps it would possibly be interesting to fight a demon of unmatched power. Well, that was before this demon was forced into exile and living now with in the depths of the nest where none have entered since a few hundred years. It groaned in dismay as it continued to watch the fighting being broken up by a few guards. It then began to wonder why the guards had arrived. They rarely ever actually interfered with the on-goings with in the nest before. This intrigued the Demon massively. As it watched the guards move about they would eventually go back to their posts out of its visual range. What a pity. The beast groaned once more before it settled back to watching the every day muddling of the ghosts of past lives. As it watched, slowly its eyes closed before fading off into a deep sleep. Sleep approached slowly but finally overtook the beast as it began to dream of better days.

    'It's obviously YOUR fault that you've been placed in here you know.' The beast awoke to a voice long forgotten. It was her. The one woman who'd always be the hate and love of the demon throughout time. The beast spoke up finally to respond to the woman. 'Who said it was me? Maybe it was you. It is a law that only one being may hold the same Zanpaktou at the same time.' The voice was silent for several minutes before it finally came back with a response. 'Of course that's true but you, you are a very special thing you know. There's no way that you'd be killed by such a foolish law now is there?' The demon chuckled lightly as it responded in its demonic tone. 'Perhaps. How come you've taken it only now to talk to me after so long?' The voice remained silent for several minutes. This caused the beast slight discomfort as it assumed the voice had left. Once the demon had accepted that the conversation was over, the voice returned. 'There was no need for me to speak. Now there is. We both know the time is approaching. Will you be able to contain your..excitement?'

    The beast broke out into laughter at that question. After several minutes of insanity the demon calmed down and responded while still chuckling. 'Of course I can. The question is, will you be able to sustain yourself?' The voice took a few minutes before it responded. 'No, You have grown extremely weak. I'm unable to extend my influence beyond this mental connection.' The demon grunted in dissatisfaction before it spoke once more to the voice with in his head. 'Very well. That will do for now. And by the way, I'm glad to hear from you again.....Ashisogi Jizo.' The demon smiled lightly under that raw metal mask. Jizo simply giggled lightly as it spoke out a final sentence before the beast faded to sleep once more. 'That's nice of you to say. We'll be together again soon. I can't wait for your...experiments.'

    After what seemed like a day or so of rest, the demon awoke. It's mind was clouded by several different noises and emotions. Groggily, it began to speak out into the depths of the noise. 'Jizo, how long have I been unconscious this time?' It took several minutes before the gentle female voice echoed through the noise. 'It has been thirteen hours.' The beast groaned as it began to reset its sitting position. Once finished, it cleared its mind slowly focusing only on Ashisogi Jizo. 'I can feel my power slowly returning. Perhaps the chair has finally become to malfunction.' Jizo responded with nothing. She seemed to be preoccupied by something but the demon didn't know what. Finally, it spoke out once more in a stern voice. 'Ashisogi Jizo. What are you doing in there.' A small yelp echoed through its mind as the voice responded. 'Just making use of this time we've got being stuck here. There's nothing else I can do. Unless you have any ideas' The demon bellowed in laughter a moment before it began to settle with a simple thought of an old experiment it wanted to preform. 'You know, I've always wondered if it would be possible to pull you from that prison. If I ever escape this, cell, I'll make that my first priority. How does that sound?' Jizo responded with a small giggle. It seemed the beast had compassion after all! It cared for its Zanpaktou more than it cared for the well being of others. But then again, it always held its own creations in higher regard than other beings usually.

    The beast began to speak randomly to Jizo. 'What was that noise I heard earlier. Are my faculties beginning to wane?' The female voice took a bit longer than normal to answer. Thus the demon thought something was amiss. 'No. You have many thoughts coursing through your head still. Some of the past and some of the future. None of the present.' The beast sighed lightly as it responded. 'I see. Perhaps I should focus more on the now and here before it becomes too late to turn back. Give me an update on our power. I can feel myself slowly regaining my power, but it's somewhat difficult to feel how much.' Jizo took a few minutes to feel out how much power was actually being given back to the demon. Finally, she responded. 'You are not strong enough to use Bankai nor Shikai. You have waned greatly. But you're slowly coming back to full power. At present, you are roughly just below the power of a new Shinigami student. Be patient. You will be given your powers back soon. You need only wait.' The demon scoffed lightly as it rebutted with a simple exclamation. 'Waiting is something I tend to dislike if the situation calls for too much of it. But fine. I shall use this time to enhance my mental faculties. Jizo, assist me in this goal.' The beast spoke outwards as the demon adjusted its seat once more to a more comfortable position. They would converse for some time about different things regarding both the finer and less finer points of spiritual mating.

    Eventually the conversation grew towards a new and interesting concept. Artificial Shinigami. 'Jizo. Do you think an Artificial Shinigami is possible?' Jizo took a moment before responding. 'Yes.' The demon grumbled in slight happiness at this thought. Soon they began discussing the finer points of this topic as well. 'I want to create an artificial shinigami with its own Zanpaktou. Perhaps create something with a bit more, enjoyable features. I'll make it a female. Maybe long hair. No short. Hm, I'll let the genetic makeup decide that. I'll only alter certain things. I'll make it a female with randomized features. But it will have its own Zanpaktou. Something unique to itself. Thoughts so far?' After a few minutes of thinking the female voice, Jizo, responded. 'I love the idea. It could be your Vice Captain if you ever become a Captain yourself. You'd have a pet, a slave, a toy, a companion.' The demon grunted at the last word before it began to speak up once more. 'It will not be my companion. You know how I feel about that.' The demon stated. Of course Jizo responded with an interesting statement. 'Yes I do know how you feel about that. It's your third most love in this world. To die knowing someone cared for you. Other than me of course. I'm just a Zanpaktou. I'm apart of you. But a woman would make  your life so much more happy you know.' She teased slightly as the demon roared and showed its fangs towards Jizo. 'Do not speak to me of my own loves. I know what they are. If I my blade now, you would be punished for disregarding my words.' The beast had spoken in a demonic almost evil tone. It took Jizo a few minutes to respond but she finally apologized. 'I'm sorry. I won't do it again.' The demon scoffed at that response and gave one of its own. 'Sure you won't. You and I both know you will.' The demon began to remember the past. It churned in its essential grave at the history unfolding before its eyes once more.

    The demon remembered being with in the Gotei Thirteen. It's eyes focused on the Captain of the Twelfth Division. As the world seemed to bellow itself from the demon's own rage, it spoke out toward the Captain in a fit of rage.

    "You have been planning to frame me, haven't you. You soulless DOG!"

    The demon proclaimed as the Captain simply chuckled and pointed a finger towards the demon.

    "No no no, it is YOU that has planned something illegal. The proof is all over the place! You've been planning to kill me! I've already anonymously told the Captain Commander about your plan. You'll be arrested with in mere minutes!"

    "YOU BEAST! I should slay you here and now. We both know I could!"

    The demon was furious. It was beginning to anger beyond that of the farthest rage Lucifer could muster. It slammed it's foot down upon the ground causing a great wave of spiritual pressure to wash over the area. So much so it caused every last person with in the Division to bend to their knee barely able to breath Including the Captain himself. The demon pulled it's blade out slowly as it began to speak.

    "Bankai, Konjiki Ashisogi Ji-"

    The demon was interrupted by a special cloth that wrapped around the Zanpaktou's blade disallowing it to release. The demon looked at the one responsible. It bellowed outwards at the culprit with evil desire to destroy the Captain before it.


    The being holding Jizo from releasing simply stood there not responding to the demon. Soon several members of the second division appeared before it and subdued the demon with in seconds. Their suppression tools were able to cause the demon's strength to wane just enough to create an opening. Such a pitiful end to a most unfortunate set of circumstances.

    Time and time again the beast did dwell upon the past. Yet time and time again the beast could do nothing. It was trapped in an endless cycle of the farthest most recesses of its mind. There would be nothing it could do. Not yet. The time wasn't right. Even if at long last the demon could pierce the veil and change the past there would be no point. What ever was happening upon the surface of the nest was of no concern to the beast anymore. It was a long lost world never to be touched by the likes of it. Pierced through the heart by a spear of dissatisfaction and depression. The demon would make this its power. It would feed upon this very feeling and make it its own power. Eventually the demon would wane slightly as it gave the prospect of release to an after thought. It wished to walk once more with the beings not unlike itself. There would be no end to the torture that it could endure.

    'Let stand the sands of time which flow wildly through the passages of the hourglass. There shall be no battle here. The days of fighting have come to an end only to show the those that truly suffer are those who came out on top. That which rises above the sand can only feel the pain of loss for what was torn from them through the journey. There is no going back from whence you came. There is only moving forward. Those who wish to rise high above the pain of loss need only ask for forgiveness from themselves as it is merely the thought of loss which ties them to their fate. There is no truer words spoken then those of the loves lost by sacrifice. No greater feeling then that of loss. And there is no soul untouched by these occurrences in the universe. There will be no such thing as a calm night. There will be no such thing as a heavenly peace. There will only. be. War.'

    The demon spoke as suddenly its shackles began to quake slightly. It then erupted into words once more.

    'There is no greater thing than war. War gives way to temporary peace. War gives those with the power to flaunt and show the others what that power means. War is what allows the demons to wage their futile attempts at bringing one's own power far from the bring of weakness. WAR IS WHAT BINDS THE COSMOS WITH THE DEMONS WITHIN. WAR IS WHAT WILL SET ME FREE! WAR BREEDS DISTRUST AND TREACHERY BUT WAR IS WHAT WILL ENGULF THE WORLD. IT WILL CAUSE DISMAY, DESTRUCTION, AND DESTROY THOSE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO SUSTAIN THE FOWL STENCH OF DEFEAT! War, is life.'

    The beast settled slightly which caused the chains to clang not as much. The demon once more spoke outwards.

    'But one thing is held evident. War does not come alone. War breeds distrust. War breeds Treachery, War breeds that which people fear the most. The betrayal you can see and know is not nearly as frightening of the betrayal you will never know about. It is what drives some to go mad. IT is what drives some to kill with out provocation. Betrayal, is only half the story. But betrayal is all anyone can usually think of, and all fear.'

    The demon's voice resonated with in its own mind. As this happened its chains rattled a bit more. Every thought this beast had sent shivers down the chains causing them to rattle. But none could for see what would eventually happen. not even the Demon itself. For now, it would lie in wait feeling the powers of its own, waiting, watching, and preparing for what was to come. It knew not exactly what was going to be happening to it. But it knew something was amiss. As this was a fact it kept to itself, it allowed itself to watch those above to see what they would do. Luckily, Seki stone merely kept the Reiatsu from getting out. It would still allow other Reiatsu into the room. This would be what allowed the demon to gaze upon the world high above and plot its return. Every breath began to be recorded, calculated, and a plan for the future. It knew that eventually it would be let out. Now, the calmed beast had its future planned outwards. Every possible step was now with in its own grasp. It knew what was to come. It may not be one of the many plans it held with in its head, but it knew something was coming. It could feel it. Jizo agreed as she began to speak highly of how the demon was progressing. It knew that discussing with Jizo was difficult for the fact that she was so very far away. This meant that there was a delay in their discussions. Which of course explained why Jizo always took several minutes to respond.

    The demon ceased breathing for several minutes. Once those minutes were complete it would start breathing once more. And from that point on, it spoke something intriguing. 'From this point forward, every step I take, every breath I take will be to further my goal of becoming the Twelfth Division Captain. From this moment forward, I will ensure my final resting place to be atop the Science Division.' The demon began to chuckle slightly as it realized just how possibly ambitious it would be. But never the less, it allowed for some interesting thoughts to come about. The first being a way to conceal a Zanpaktou. It had been done long ago in the past. This meant that there was a possibility that there could be a way to allow one to hide an object such as a Zanpaktou into any instrument. Perhaps it needed to be of a certain size but that was not the main point. One of its first things it will do is create some sort of object to hide its Zanpaktou it. Well that wasn't true. The first thing it would do is create an object that would allow Jizo to enter the world as its new self. To gaze upon that which the demon would never take for granted again. Rather, what the demon would enjoy experimenting on.

    As if to change beats in a song, the demon began to orient its thoughts towards something a bit more playful. Soon, the beast would begin conversing with Jizo once more. 'It will be most enjoyable to play with you again, Jizo.' It would take a few moments but Jizo would finally respond. 'The feeling is mutual. Shall I start calling you the same as before?' The demon bellowed with a gentle happiness as it spoke as a response. 'That would be enjoyable. But no, it's not necessary this time around. I've come to accept you for what you are. But remember, you can still be stamped out if you cross me.' The demon spoke in its normal evil tone. It seemed being trapped deep in the bowls of the beast was something that tended to drive one crazy. Though, the ones already crazy would be driven sane no? Of course that's not how it worked though. The demon would fade to sleep once more. After twelve hours of sleep the demon would awake once more. Drowsy as usual, it began to orient its mind to gather the thoughts that fluttered about like masses of confusion. Once the thoughts were organized it began to speak to Jizo. 'Jizo, Do you remember that cherry tree out back of the Twelve Division where we first met?' It took a few minutes but Jizo finally responded. 'I do. It was night and you were staring at a pond under the tree. It was quite a beautiful night.' The demon laughed slightly as it spoke to tease Jizo. 'You didn't strike me as the sentimental type, Jizo.' Jizo would respond after a few moments with an embarrassed grunt. 'Jizo, it would be a true pleasure to see that spot once more.' Its words slowly faded as the demon began to shift its attention to other things.

    The demon began to store up Reiatsu in order to preform a Jinzo with Jizo. It was able to store enough reiatsu that could be considered a substantial amount. Finally, the demon is able to meet face to face with Jizo for once in a few hundred years. The world grew cold and dark as the demon faded into obscurity. It would finally be brought to a giant dank cave where there would be nothing but the skittering of tiny feet upon the walls.

    Arinori Oichi
    Arinori Oichi

    Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end? Empty Re: Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end?

    Post by Arinori Oichi Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:22 am

    The demon could feel the cold air sting its skin like needles. It looked about scanning the area for its companion. Out of the dark corner the being skittered forth to view the demon as it truly was.

    "It's been a while, Lord Oichi." Ashisogi Jizo came into the light to reveal her visual look. She stood the same size of the demon which was around six foot six. Jizo smiled brightly looking at the beast Oichi. She was visible in her truest state. In this state she held a striking resemblance to what is known in fiction writing to be a Drider. Her upper body was that of a demon girl with gigantic horns protruding from her head. Below this she had gentle almost fox like ears. Her eyes were a caring gray partially covered by her long black hair. Below this her body would extend down to just below her waist cascaded into the body of a spider. Extremely hairy almost tarantula like spider. Her belt buckle took the born of a desert skull with a bone nose ring. Jizo's hands were also large hairy claw like features which seemingly could hold large objects almost. Across her body there are adorned several different patterns of hair like tribal tattoos. Last but not least she holds an interesting looking old Feudal like seal across her left eye.

    The demon moved and embraced Jizo tightly as it spoke in a gentle voice. "I've longed to see you once more. It has been several hundreds of years since I've seen your radiance. But we don't have long. My connection will fade shortly." The demon granted Jizo a singular kiss upon her lips before he parted with a simple smile. It faded from the inner world only to reawaken from the depths of the darkness. It appeared that a guard came to greet the demon.

    "You've been allowed to rejoin population for a short amount of time. You're given only four hours of general population a day. Don't mess it up."

    The demon began to smile as it was allowed to stand up. The guards placed the being into a dolly with the chains still attached. Slowly they wheeled the demon up into general population now that its Reiatsu wasn't too great to cause mass hysteria. As the demon was wheeled into general population it was unchained. The demon pointed towards the Hannibal styled mask but the guard responded with a negative remark. "Sorry. Boss said you can't be unmasked. Your wrist chains and ankles are to be freed but you're not allowed to unmask yourself. You'll be subdued the moment you reach for it."

    The demon nodded as it understood what was being told to it. It slowly walked off into general population. It was allowed to wear it's civilian clothes as it had when it was brought in. With this, it wore dress pants with a dress shirt which held his old rank upon the chest like a badge. It stood before the general population and saw only targets to test his ancient skills on. Most of the time the guards didn't care what happened with in the nest. So it was likely he'd be able to kill a few residents before the guards would interfere. They especially allowed self defense so if someone attacked the demon, it'd be free to destroy that being. Just as it'd predicted a somewhat large thug approached its position with a mean attitude. The thug wanted to make the demon its play thing. That wasn't sitting well with the demon of course.

    The thug spoke out in a voice which caused several of the residents to scurry away. "Yer nothing little guy. From now on you're gonna be my slave. Do everything I tell you to and you won't get hurt. understand?" The demon responded by shaking its head. The thug started to get angry and yelled something the demon didn't quite hear. The moment it did the thug launched a large brute of a fist down the demon's throat. Before the blast was able to reach the demon, it began to preform a swift action. It dropped to the ground doing a sweep which caused the demon's coat to flutter behind it. Once the demon stood up the thug made a large thud unto the ground. It was attempting to cause the demon some trouble as he grabbed its leg. The moment the thug grabbed the demon's leg the match was over. Lifting its hand and placing it on the man's head, the demon would firmly plant its foot onto the man's chest to keep the body from flying way. With out warning the demon's finger grew an orb as it started to charge up an attack. The demon grinned brightly from behind it's seki metal mask as a flash of light erupted from the demon's finger. The force of the attack sent the demon's head flying across the room landing into one of the insane people's lunch.

    The subsequent riot which caused from the demon killing Bubba was quite amusing to the demon. It positioned the thug's body in such a way as to make a seat. Once there, it sat upon the seat watching the mayhem unfold. It only lasted a few minutes before everyone calmed down. The demon rested its head on its right hand. Before long it got bored once more. Sure, being in General Population was much better but the fact was, this was still the Maggots Nest. Getting up from the thug-life-chair, the demon would walk around seeing everyone move away or cower from its presence. This wasn't fun! The demon had no competition. It was almost as if they were afraid of it! This wouldn't stand! The demon walked up to someone that looked as though they could hold their own in a fight. Pointing at the man, the demon would beckon for it to fight. The man, not wanting to die, attempted to run. The moment he tried to run the demon used Sho on the man's leg. This caused him to fall and start to scammer away. The demon finally reached the man as he tried to get away. Lifting him up, the demon would toss the man aside and start walking towards a larger individual. Before it would be able to reach the next individual to torment a flying kick erupted from outside its view. The kick reached nearly to the demon's head. The demon managed to side step just slightly to the left. As the kick slowly passed by the demon, it grabbed the leg and swung around forcing it to crash onto the ground with a large bang. The opponent that dared to challenge the demon was none other than it's former third seat, Kyumari Kyenzai. The man got up and grinned with an evil pleasure towards the demon.

    The demon knew this would be a good fight. It stood there staring at the man's posture. Almost as if the world was playing a tune, the demon's mind began to listen to an interesting song with in its head. The perfect melody to murder a colleague. The demon took a single step forward when Kyumari charged at him with a first to the face. Luckily the man struck the demon's mask causing the man's hand to be riddled with pain. Looking to the man's now sulken posture with his hand held close to his stomach, the demon was disappointed. What a pity. The demon lifted the man with a single arm and tossed him off to the side like trash. Who would be stupid enough to punch the face mask? As the demon walked forward it could feel the man get back up. Oh this was going to be fun isn't it!? The demon reared its head to see the man punch the demon's face once more. The moment it struck the mask cracked slightly. This intrigued the demon a bit, but it wasn't enough to allow the demon to do anything about it. It would lift its hand to smack the man but its opponent managed to strike the demon's chest after it turned. This sent the demon sliding backwards into a skid. As it came to a halt the demon stood up straight to its maximum six foot six and looked down upon the man. As it did, the demon lifted its hand as if it had a zanpaktou. As it came crashing down to the ground it would send a small shock wave through the ground causing the nearby tables, chairs, and people to rock uncontrollably. In the moment that opening was given, the demon would land a firm punch on the man's chest sending him flying upwards towards the ceiling of the commons area. Before he touched the ceiling he came crashing back down onto the ground where the man coughed but slowly got up.

    The demon would step forward once with its right food and simply stare at the man. As it did, the man would charge forward with all of his strength aiming to punch the demon in the face once more. As he got close, the demon threw a slap to toss the guy aside. The slap missed as the man dodged below still delivering the punch to the demon's chest sending it flying backwards. It slowly came to a stop by skidding on the ground with all of its weight and energy focused into stopping. Just before hitting the wall the demon came to a complete stop. Sure, this was getting annoying of all things. The demon would have to end this quick and with out its zanpaktou. It could use Sho though! Of course! The demon readied a stance as the man charged once more. As he got close, he would leap into the air preforming another flying kick. Before the kick could touch the demon it side stepped slightly so the kick passed by. The man's head was now resting against the demon's right hand as its left hand held the man's foot. A giant blast of force and light erupted from the demon's hand causing the man's head to fly off and strike the wall at great speed and strength. Tossing the body to the side, the demon would go back and stand upon the dolly as it was close to the time the guards would take it away. It stood there when the guards walked in and strapped the beast to its dolly and wheeled it back into the room where it was strapped in for the rest of the night.

    The demon awoke from the nightly slumber to rear its head forth for a new day. This day was like every other. No special treatment, no special display of any sort. It was strapped into the usual dolly and wheeled up to general population. It was the day now that the demon must prove its worth to a new set of criminals. To a new set of beings wishing to take the life of the demon before it is even able to breathe the fresh air of population. No, it was the demon of the new world which spewed a more creatively inept version of the masterful song and dace which could only be described as destruction. A true demon needed not destroy to prove its power. A true demon would be able to prove its power by not using its power even once. The demon was able to do that. It knew many ways to accomplish its goals with out even lifting a finger. Sadly, some of those methods were unable to be used for the fact that its mouth was locked shut. The Shinigami knew too well the demons ability to use its piercing tongue to get what it wanted. Not only that, but the demon's family spent several years attempting to get it into general population. It was now finally the point in time which their favors have paid off. The demon reared its head into population after being released. Immediately it began searching out a place to call its home. The old bodies were cleaned from the floor as was the blood. It decided to take up residence in a local outcropping several floors above to overlook what it now considered its new domain.

    The demon rested its head upon its own right hand watching the feeble beings below muddle around. It was time to bring chaos to the somewhat order which held its ground here. The demon stood up and jumped down from the third floor balcony. As it landed upon the ground it looked at all the men that were around it. How pitiful there were no women. The demon looked at the nearest man and beckoned him to it. Hesitant, the man slowly walked forward cowering as he did so. The demon rested its hand upon the man and simply pointed to one of the other men. The demon would then slam its fist into its palm signifying that it wanted the two men to fight it. The men agreed if only to not die instantly. The demon would smile behind the mask as it walked to the other end of the room. As it stood there, back turned, the demon would motion for the men to come at it. A simple spar as it were. Both men aimed to do a special attack. They broke into a formation which held one man on the top and one on the bottom. The moment they got close they issued their attack. The lower guy would do a sweep while the upper guy would preform a drop to cause damage to the demon's chest. The attack landed! The demon was impaled into the ground. On top of that both men began to use all of their might and continued to smash the demon farther into the ground. After what seemed like half an hour of this they stopped and walked backwards to see the result. After the smoke cleared the demon arose out of the hole and simply stared at the two men. It appeared the demon had no wounds on its body, not even a scratch adorned its body! It was horrifying for the men to see this. The demon grabbed a protruding pipe and ripped it from its housing. As it did so, it would release its Reiatsu so heavily that the pipe became a more lethal weapon. It acted almost like a Zanpaktou.

    Around the pipe could be seen a blackish Reiatsu creating a fiery looking Zanpaktou blade. The demon slowly started to walk forward while brandishing this deadly weapon. Every step it took caused the demon's Aura to spread fear through the area. The demon's coat came unbuttoned and started to flap wildly as it's Reiatsu flared up. This caused it's whole body to do a sort of anti-gravity look to it. Every piece of clothing was flying upwards as if gravity was reversed. As the demon made headway, the men started to run away. There was only so much ground that the men were able to cover before they struck a wall. The demon made headway with little to no effort. They were trapped. As the demon inched closer, it watched the fear in their eyes. It enjoyed this greatly. Oh so much did the demon enjoy the torture these men felt. Once it reached the first man, the being would bring the pipe upwards and preform a downward swing. The shear strength of the demon's swing and the cutting edge of it's Reiatsu caused the man to be sliced clean in half. The demon, now on a warpath to meet with the other opponent made slow headway towards it. It was time to show this man what being a demon truly was. As the demon walked forward it's Reiatsu changed to show a giant skull roaring out in pain before breaking apart as if it had been struck by a fist. The demon's Reiatsu was so strong it caused a few of the residence to fall to their knees. It enjoyed this greatly. But killing everyone would result in fewer in general population. The demon finally reached the cowering man as it brought the pipe upwards. Once in position it brought the pipe down in a swing causing massive damage to the ground next to the man. Once this happened the demon tossed the pipe aside and simply walked back to it's seat to sit down. The man nearly pissed himself at the fact he was spared. The people began to muddle around once more as the demon simply watched over them. In a sense it became their ruler. It felt no humanity, it felt no sense of guild, morals, nor did it feel any sense of pride. It was a tool of destruction and science nothing more. Until that mask is taken off, this is no mere man. It is a beast.

    2836-Learned Sho
    Arinori Oichi
    Arinori Oichi

    Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end? Empty Re: Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end?

    Post by Arinori Oichi Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:51 pm

    The beast lifted it's right hand. Once it placed its hand upon the wall, The demon had realized there was nothing to do here now. The population was subdued fast and easy. It was a sad occurrence to see that the demon itself was unhappy in its own domain. Perhaps there could be some interesting actions taking place later but right now there was nothing to do. It wished it had its own Zanpaktou with it. The demon stat upon its chair and watched over its domain. The guards would be entering soon. Perhaps this could be interesting. If the demon got the guards to fight the population it could facilitate an escape. The demon put this out of its mind once that crossed its mind however. There wasn't anything to gain from escape. At least not right now. The demon arose from its chair to view the lower levels. It was time to cause some havoc before the guards came. In a quick jump the demon landed upon the ground. In that instant, the demon would point it's hand towards one of the men and use Sho to push them around. This caused one guy to shove another. Thus, a fight broke out. During this fight the demon simply got on to the dolly awaiting to be strapped in. Guards came to extract the demon back to its cell. On the way down they gave the demon a letter to read from its sister. This intrigued it greatly. It was given five minutes tops to read the letter after reaching its cell. The letter had been from Hana. It wrote about the family and how things were. The demon smiled lightly as it tossed the letter aside not entirely finishing it. From that moment on, the demon knew that the time was etching closer to be released from this place. IT would be a matter of time before someone, either the demon's sister or another person would release it from its hell.

    The demon reared it's head as it was now being wheeled to the general population once more. This was an annoying bit of progress. After reaching the commons room, the demon was allowed to walk among men as if one of them. After being released from its restraints the guards disappeared. As time progressed, the demon would close it's right eye in order to see clearly with its left. Every movement the demon made was to case the area around itself in order to see where the guards were. After finding every guard the demon initiated its plan. The demon lifted it's right hand to fire a Sho at a nearby man. This caused a large scale fight. In the midst of this fight the demon lifted it's right hand to the bottom of the mask which held it's face so tightly. The moment it's hand reach the mask four guards were on top of it holding it in place. It started to laugh maniacally as the guards held it tightly. The demon began to release it's Reaitsu more and more. Eventually it's Reiatsu was gathering in an odd fashion. That's right, the demon started to form whipping fire from it's own Reiatsu. This caused one of the guards holding the demon's left arm jump. A mistake. The demon took this as an opening. It lowered it's body just enough to get it's hand free and punch the guard in front of it sending it flying away. As it did that, the demon would kick the guard to it's right sending that man flying backwards. This freed the demon's right hand. In that instant the demon ripped the mask from it's face. In that moment the demon allowed all of it's pressure to flow freely through the area. Several of the residents were brought to their knees in the moment the mask came off. Others were having difficulties standing. The rest, were stationary for the weight made it hard to move. Everyone looked at the demon as it's head was raised to face the ceiling. The guard that was left close to the demon shunpoed away.

    The demon slowly lowered it's head as it's clothing settled down to a peaceful feel as did it's Reiatsu. A guard appeared before  the demon and was about to speak before he was silenced by the demon. The demon, now fully released from it's shackles could be finally called a man. It was no beast of pleasure. It was no demon of the night. It was Former Vice Captain, Arinori Oichi of the Twelfth Division. Arinori slowly looked around to see the men astonished as the person they viewed now was merely a slightly feminine male. Were they really afraid of such as being? Arinori walked forward one step before turning to his left to view those he had control over still. In that moment he pointed towards the men who began questioning his ruling right. It was then that he remembered the guard was attempting to say something. He slowly turned to his right to see the guard before him. With a small nod Arinori listened to the guard through the loud fighting that was happening just beyond their position. The guard explained that he broke rules and blah blah blah. Arinori wave his hand to the side as he walked forward past the guard. He looked at the whole of the nest and simply started to smile. He was whole again, even if for a while. His voice boomed out as he spoke.

    "I'll return to my cage with full gear on. But allow me this time to be myself. Even if I have no companion or tests to run."

    Arinori's argument was slightly compelling. He was to be locked away anyway. No one ever escaped the Nest nor did he even intend to. He knew that sooner or later someone would release him. Because of this he had no intention of missing that opportunity. His body would shift as he began to walk around the large room with gentle stride. He had won his partial freedom and that was enough for him. At least for now. Regaining his humanity was something he enjoyed greatly. It would soon be time to actually move on though. With this in mind, he began to examine his spiritual power. He was at a point where he could remember some old Kido he knew.

    Arinori Oichi
    Arinori Oichi

    Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end? Empty Re: Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end?

    Post by Arinori Oichi Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:29 am

    Arinori realized he was at a level of Reiatsu that he could manipulate it better to form Kido. Because of this, he decided to do that just now. All he really had to do was remember how to preform the skill and nothing more. Arinori started to gather energy with in his right hand. The moment it was ready, he pointed it towards one of the warring men before releasing a beam of pale blue light. This light pierced the man's head and struck the far wall. The beam itself wasn't that impressive but the damage kind of was. The beam had bored a hole in the far wall. This made Arinori quite happy to realize that his powers weren't that far off. His eyes would scan for another target before finding a few other men to kill. In that instant Arinori, the demon of the nest, pointed three fingers towards these men. Each finger burst with pale light that struck each of these men square in the head with ease. Each of them died instantly. As they fell, Arinori could feel someone coming up from behind him. It wasn't hard to get his sense of Reiatsu back to feel where people were. Making a quick turn to his left he managed to point his right finger towards the man's heart. In an instant a pale blue light pierced the man's chest killing him instantly. He was a bit more adept at using Kido than he thought he was.

    Of course it had been so many years since he'd actually preformed Kido that he wasn't even sure he was doing it correctly. Of course that didn't matter much, he was Arinori Oichi the Demon of the Nest. All he cared about right now was making sure he was ready for the day of release. To do that, he needed to actually get things working perfectly. A simple feeling of ease came across his body as he could feel a happiness cross his mind. He was prepared for the day to feel the wrath of a demon tomorrow. After adjusting his body he made headway to a chair on the balcony. Once here he simply sat and rested for now. He was the king of this domain. At least for a while. Before long Arinori realized that his Reiatsu was so perfectly attuned to himself that he was able to actually Jinzo with Jizo from quite a distance away. That was a bit more pleasant to feel as he could finally talk with his Zanpaktou like he once had. He was in no condition to be able to call his Zanpaktou, but at least he could discuss the finer points of strategy, dissection, and the fun of testing things on people with her. Oh how he loved to play with those opponents of his. The best part was that Jizo enjoyed it as well.

    Arinori Oichi
    Arinori Oichi

    Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end? Empty Re: Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end?

    Post by Arinori Oichi Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:49 pm

    The demon, Arinori stands about six foot six. While this can be somewhat large for some, it feels average to him. With his long legs, slender body, and mostly petite guild, Arinori is a tad bit feminine. His head is fluffed about with a brown haircut. It's short, scruffy, and mot really groomed well. Sure it's taken care of but the fact of the matter is that his hair is never combed well. It's more left to its own devices to just flop around or what ever. Some would say Arinori's eyes are girlish. Others would say they're straight from the devil's head themselves. Sure, his eyes are a kind of purple color but who really cares? Sometimes a noticeable addition to his left eye appears. Though some don't look hard enough to see it. In essence, a small image of a bird like silhouette appears on his eye when he's using his Reiatsu ability. Instead of wearing a Shihakushou, especially with in the nest, Arinori wears a Gotei inspired World of the Living Military Uniform. This uniform is a double breasted coat top fastened form left to right. Under the coat, Arinori likes to wear a while dress shirt. Usually the dress shirt is tucked into his trousers. Trousers are dress pants made to match the coat which he wore. These clothing items were regarded as inappropriate to wear in the Gotei but in all honesty Arinori didn't care. Below his trousers he wore dress shoes matched by these things called socks that humans liked to use. They were not unlike Tabi. When he was a Vice Captain he liked to adorn a military overcoat which usually had his rank and squad emblem on it.

    The commons area was a brightly lit cavern. With in this cavern there was built a massive amount of rooms and other things down below. But in the commons area there was a white marble floor which spanned for what seemed like a mile or so. Added to this, the ceiling of said cavern was well over the size of two barracks in height. The area had several sets of chairs and tables which allowed people to sit or muddle around the room like mindless drones. The guards rarely did anything to stop fights or other things. This was because this whole complex was essentially a self contained city of nere'do'wells. Or a more accurate description is pre-criminals. Most of the residents had never actually done anything bad. Instead, they were possible threats to the Gotei Thirteen. This means that if they even remotely posed a problem then they'd be sent to the Maggots Nest. At the far end of the room there was a large gate like door which is where people would funnel in and out to get to their rooms. Some, like Arinori, were held in deep seclusion because of the crimes they did or would have committed given the chance. Largely, Arinori never committed or planned to do a crime. He was accused by a former Captain which wanted him imprisoned because he was marginally smarter than that Captain and thus posed a threat.

    'It's been a while since I've gotten to just take in the surroundings that weren't my own walls. Sure, this was my third day in general population but it felt like my first. Ah, Jizo, I feel we're coming closer. I'll be doing quite a few different things soon. Many of which will hold great achievements for the Gotei. Some of which, will be my personal creations for my own personal fun. Though, I wonder how fun it would be to create serums that caused different effects. I think I'll make an Artificial Shinigami with organs that have different effects with them. Sure, that would be fun. Heh, now I can see why that Captain was so insistent on making me go to the Maggots Nest. I'm so much more intelligent as I'd be able to make several things he could only dream of. Perhaps I'll let the Artificial do it's own thing too. I'll have to regulate a few things but I'm sure I could work in a way to make it self sufficient.' Arinori had thought long and hard about an Artificial Shinigami and how to make one. He was ready right there to make one! But of course that wasn't going to happen. He was still locked away with in the Maggots Nest. Perhaps soon he'd be able to make it.

    Arinori got up from his seat and simply started to wander the room. It was large enough to give him exercise but it wasn't enough. He didn't want to fight so what would he do? He could always just muck about and kill some people but that was also boring. Perhaps he could engage in games. Sure, he was the self appointed leader of the Maggots Nest now but he could create a game in which people would fight or something to win prizes. A fight club of sorts. And the rules would be that no being could use Reiatsu based attacks. Strictly Hakuda. Arinori's eyes began to widen in joy as he had these ideas. But of course that was all too much to do now. For now, he'd have to just muddle about like the ghosts they all were. Former selves tossed aside as shells but all that was left now were memories. Feint memories of the past when things were fun, good, and happy. Now all they are able to do, think about, or even talk about essentially is the past. Walking across the room in various ways telling stories, listening to stories, or pondering about past actions and what could have been done differently. It wasn't the best or by far funnest thing to do but it was something. Sure, Arinori would have wished that maybe Hana would stop to visist here and there but he couldn't expect that from his family. He knew all too well the political ramifications of one of those people entering the Maggots Nest to see a relative. Plus, no one knew who he was let alone being apart of the Setsune clan. For now, Arinori would simply buzz about the area lost in thought as so many others were. For thought was all they had left.

    Arinori Oichi
    Arinori Oichi

    Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end? Empty Re: Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end?

    Post by Arinori Oichi Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:23 pm

    Arinori had stopped his walking. It was nearing time to just cease and desist in his pursuits altogether. Standing there, he could feel his welling power become something faded. It was finally catching up to him. For this whole time he had been trying to extract his spent Reiatsu from the chair. For the most part it had worked but it was a limited time thing. He couldn't regain his former glory, at least not in here. His mind started to wander with in his movements. Sure, he'd need to focus on preparing for the coming days but what could he possibly do to assist in that feature. He needed plans. Mostly just plans really. So with that, Arinori began to think heavily on what to do. He squat down to spend his time thinking. In this position his mind began to create a flurry of ideas.

    'First I'll focus on creating an object that allows someone to pull a spirit from a Zanpaktou as it truly is. None of this human form crap. Next, I'll work on creating a device that allows me to duplicate a Zanpaktou's powers and abilities. From there I'll return my focus to the Artificial Shinigami. That one will be difficult though. I'm not entirely sure how long it will take me to create such a being of immense scientific beauty. But don't get me wrong, the moment I do is the moment it will be a grand accomplishment. Next, I'll have to focus on the aspect of dissecting Hollows and Quincy to see why they fight. Perhaps there's something more than an underlying dislike. Next I'll see if there could be a way that a Quincy's powers could be duplicated. Perhaps even duplicated into a Shinigami. Maybe I'll make a hybrid Shinigami Quincy thing. Bah, too much work off the start.'

    Arinori's mind raced with different scenarios and thoughts of what to do. His mind continued to flutter about with different thoughts even after his mind was made up. In honesty, he was constantly searching for more information beyond what he knew. It was basic luck for him to know that there was nearly limitless data he still didn't know. It was his goal to find out about it. Sure, he could stalk the Fourth Division Captain and learn any of their creations if they made any. But Arinori wanted to learn more about things that were less, helpful to individuals. He tended to like the destructive side of the invention spectrum. It would only take a few minutes for him to realize that he had indeed gotten himself into a strange predicament. He was neglecting his duties to regain his power. Because of this, he would walk off to the side and begin training once more.

    Arinori stood upon his position as he focused on a place at the far end of the wall. In actuality he was planning on killing a few residence in an experiment to see how devastating his Sokatsui still was. Raising his hand, Arinori pointed it towards the wall as he recited an incantation under his breath.

    "Ye lord. Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man. Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hado no San Jyuu San, Soukatsui."

    In that moment a large blue orb formed and shot from Arinori's hand killing one person before exploding. The test was a slight success. He needed to make it more destructive. He began to shift his Reiatsu's composition so that it was more explosive. He then attempted again.

    "Ye lord. Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man. Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hado no San Jyuu San, Soukatsui."

    The blue orb shot forth and struck a man. The moment it hit, a large explosion roughly the size of four fragmentation grenades, had caused a nice chunk of a crater. Still Arinori wasn't as satisfied. He wanted a bigger boom for his buck. And so, he would change once more the way the kido was created. He fired the blast once more to see what would happen.

    "Ye lord. Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man. Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hado no San Jyuu San, Soukatsui."

    The blue orb appeared only to burst forth and destroy a larger area of the floor. This caused several people to die almost instantly. This was quite a good example of power. Later he could work on making it more destructive but for now, it was safe to say that perhaps he was able to actually get the Kido to work. Which means he remembered quite well how to preform Blue Fire Crashdown.

    828- Soukatsui
    Arinori Oichi
    Arinori Oichi

    Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end? Empty Re: Arinori Oichi The Burried Demon, A life long lesson coming to an end?

    Post by Arinori Oichi Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:58 am

    Arinori stands about six foot six. While this can be somewhat large for some, it feels average to him. With his long legs, slender body, and mostly petite build, Arinori is a tad bit feminine. His head is fluffed about with a brown haircut. It's short, scruffy, and mot really groomed well. Sure it's taken care of but the fact of the matter is that his hair is never combed well. It's more left to its own devices to just flop around or what ever. Some would say Arinori's eyes are girlish. Others would say they're straight from the devil's head themselves. Sure, his eyes are a kind of purple color but who really cares? Sometimes a noticeable addition to his left eye appears. Though some don't look hard enough to see it. In essence, a small image of a bird like silhouette appears on his eye when he's using his Reiatsu ability. Instead of wearing a Shihakushou, especially with in the nest, Arinori wears a Gotei inspired World of the Living Military Uniform. This uniform is a double breasted coat top fastened form left to right. Under the coat, Arinori likes to wear a while dress shirt. Usually the dress shirt is tucked into his trousers. Trousers are dress pants made to match the coat which he wore. These clothing items were regarded as inappropriate to wear in the Gotei but in all honesty Arinori didn't care. Below his trousers he wore dress shoes matched by these things called socks that humans liked to use. They were not unlike Tabi. When he was a Vice Captain he liked to adorn a military overcoat which usually had his rank and squad emblem on it.

    The commons area was a brightly lit cavern. With in this cavern there was built a massive amount of rooms and other things down below. But in the commons area there was a white marble floor which spanned for what seemed like a mile or so. Added to this, the ceiling of said cavern was well over the size of two barracks in height. The area had several sets of chairs and tables which allowed people to sit or muddle around the room like mindless drones. The guards rarely did anything to stop fights or other things. This was because this whole complex was essentially a self contained city of nere'do'wells. Or a more accurate description is pre-criminals. Most of the residents had never actually done anything bad. Instead, they were possible threats to the Gotei Thirteen. This means that if they even remotely posed a problem then they'd be sent to the Maggots Nest. At the far end of the room there was a large gate like door which is where people would funnel in and out to get to their rooms. Some, like Arinori, were held in deep seclusion because of the crimes they did or would have committed given the chance. Largely, Arinori never committed or planned to do a crime. He was accused by a former Captain which wanted him imprisoned because he was marginally smarter than that Captain and thus posed a threat.

    'Alright, now is the time to plan my next move. My first act out of this place will be to set up a place somewhere for me to work. Once that's done I'll start work on an interesting little ditty that I like to call, the Reiatsu Compression Device. Or RCD for short. Of course I have an even better idea for a few interesting things to create as well. But alas, I think my crowning achievement will be the Artificial Shinigami. Perhaps one of the most fundamental things to tackle with an Artificial Shinigami is how to actually create one. But then again a better problem would be to get the Shinigami to actually stay stable. Bah all of that is minor details according to the grand scheme of things. So really it doesn't matter. But alas, I'll need to focus heavily on my first few inventions to get myself rolling down range with a good set of momentum. After that, it's anyone's game.'

    As Arinori was speaking this, his body was simply walking around the Common's area with ease. Every step causing small particles of dust to leap from their homes only to settle back down once more. Perhaps the most interesting aspect to this was that this gigantic hall of prisoners, prisoners left to their own devices, could cause a massive amount of panic if the secret got out. But of course who would believe a washed up Ex-Vice Captain. The things that have happened here in the nest would have to stay a secret. Of course that was fine with Arinori as he didn't need to remember these events. He didn't even care to remember them. From that moment on, Arinori the Demon was the true seeker of all knowledge both helpful and debilitating. He simply didn't care. His pursuits as a Scientist lead him to believe that he himself was solely responsible for bringing his house to greatness as it were. And so, that's what he would do. Arinori's body slowly cascaded forward through the air as if to pass through some unseen barrier. It was like a bullet moving forward. Every object caused sound waves to distort and move. So much so that if one paid close enough attention and had the right equipment you could actually see the disturbance. What an amazing sight as well. For now however, Arinori would begin preparations as it was nearing time to re-enter the cell with full gear. This meant both his mask and all of his chains. It was grueling, sitting with in the cell for hours on end. More so when he wasn't given a chance to enter General Population. He was stuck there for a large amount of time simply left to his own thoughts with not a single thing to interact with. Luckily, his power had been attempting to save itself. It was successful enough to allow him the ability to communicate with Jizo. That was a prize that even Arinori knew was priceless. As if on que, the group of guards appeared with the dolly to strap Arinori into his chains and mask. After perhaps thirty minutes getting all the chains hooked into the correct spots he was wheeled back down to the depths of the nest. Once there, the demon was strapped into it's chair with little source of light, and no way to communicate with the outside world. The demon's identity was taken yet again from it's cold hands to be placed in chains and locked away. Perhaps the most frustrating part of this imprisonment was that he himself wasn't able to keep himself sustained. Instead, he'd be locked away in a deep dark hole and forgotten about. But one thing was certain. Soon, really soon, he'd be able to lift these shackles for good. He'd be able to finally feel the taste of the fresh air. He'd be the one thing his predecessor never wanted him to be. One of the highest intellects in all of creation. His vast knowledge working to better his own devices. Perhaps, he'd even help the Gotei 13 along the way. If he was chosen to take the role of Lead Researcher then he would sure have a lot of things to take care of. Perhaps even recreating old devices to better them with new technologies. But for now, he'd bide his time. Waiting. Watching. Preparing.


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